Custom-made systems designed to meet the customer's specific needs, drawing on the heritage of our achievements from standard production.
Idrotecnica knowhow - acquired from producing more of 3500 standard products and hundreds of custom made systems, allows Idrotecnica to propose the best solution for each customer, in terms of technology, reliability and running costs.
Double pass reverse osmosis + Electrodeionization
Delivery | Application |
5 mc/h | Chemical |
Customer | Algeria |
Single Pass reverse osmosis
Delivery | Application |
20 mc/h | Industrial boiler |
Customer | Italy |
Double pass reverse osmosis
Delivery | Application |
1500 lt/h | Pharmaceutical |
Customer | Algeria |
Reverse osmosis + Duplex softener + storage tanks
Application |
Research center |
Customer | China |
Delivery | Application |
5 mc/h | Chemical |
Customer | Italy |
Delivery | Application |
11 ÷ 34 mc/h | Pretreatment RO |
Customer | Ukraine |
Single pass reverse osmosis with pretreatment
Delivery | Application |
15 mc/h | Potable water |
Customer | Cyprus |
Single Pass reverse osmosis
Delivery | Application |
10 mc/h | Food industry |
Single pass reverse osmosis
Delivery | Application |
4 mc/h | Steelworks |
Single pass reverse osmosis
Delivery | Application |
130 lt/h | Pharmaceutical |
Second pass reverse osmosis + Electrodeionization
Double pass reverse osmosis
Delivery | Customer |
1000 lt/h | Uzbekistan |
Single pass reverse osmosis
Delivery | Customer |
6 mc/h | Colombia |